Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


Phone 2 LAURA SETS SPEED RECORD Ingalls is shown besleged by reporters as she Laura set her plane down at Floyd Bennett airport, New York, after setting new women's transflight record. She spanned the continent in 13 hours, 34 continental minutes and five seconds. (Associated Press Photo) ACCUSED OF WEDDING PERJURY Herbert MA. Mansfield, Providence, R. held for a Rhode Island grand allegedly marrying Gloria lunchroom employe, was Rego, 15, of Providence, when he knew she represented herself as another girl.

Miss Rego was held for a juvenile court hearing. She and Mansfield, shown in photos, are charged with conspiracy and perjury. (Asso- F. has left for New Orleans to attend the national convention being, held in that city Sept. 15-20.

Etta L. Elley, mess attendant on leave. C. B. Hathaway and John L.

Zimmerman, hospital attendants, on leave. John H. Roberts, Walter M. Stanley, William P. Briley and Joseph R.

Bouldin, hospital attendants, have returned from leave. Paul Kline, mess attendant, on leave. John F. McSorley has been appointed as hospital attendant. Annie B.

Crosby, staff nurse, Maude J. Humble, mess attendant, and Harvey E. Humble, cook on vacation. Myrtle L. Hewitt, staff nurse, has returned from vacation.

Alfred B. Cheesman of the headquarters staff is attending the tional convention of the American Federation of Government Employes being held at 'Y' TRIANGLE LEAGUE MEETS THIS EVENING The Triangle service league, of the Fort Monroe Y. M. C. A.

will meet tonight to discuss plans for the season which will open about the middle of next month. C. J. Rosenberg, secretary, has invited enlisted men to attend the session. The Triangle Service league is composed of young men on the post who assist in carrying out the educational, religious and social programs of the association.

The meeting will be held at 7. CONROY RITES TUESDAY Edward J. Conroy, 58, a SpanishAmerican war veteran, who died at 220 Mallory street, Phoebus, will be buried from the Catholic chapel at Veterans Facility Tuesday morning at 10. Burial will be made in the National cemetery. ARREST COLORED MAN ciated Press James Grimes, colored, was arrested yesterday by Officers McGuire and Slater on drunk and disorderly charge.

He is being held for a hearing in the Hampton police court. MONROE TRANSFER STORAGE COMPANY MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE -STORAGE Newport News, Va. Hampton, Va. 122 23rd Street 315 Poplar Avenue Phone 2-4-1 Phone 1-2 R. R.

Siding R. R. Siding ORDER I CHICKAHOMINY BRICK Clay Products Corp. N. N.

Phone Res. -2980 1610 BOULEVARD. Hampton 882 Mgr. MANY PROMOTIONS AT LANGLEY FIELD Headquarters Supplies Roster of Officers Advanced in Rank Since August 1 Notices of promotions of officers at Langley Field have been made from time to time and from the headquarters yesterday announcement was made of all the promotions that have taken place since Aug. 1.

The roster includes that of Frank M. Andrews to colonel, with the the temporary rank of brigadier-general, and 1 Henry C. Pratt, also promoted to colonel, with the temporary rank of brigadier-general. Other promotions were: To be lieutenant-colonels: William Calvert, Q. Follett Bradley, A.

Russell L. Maxwell, 0. Charles C. Drake, Harvey S. Burwell, A.

Cedric W. Lewis, S. To. be majors: Walter Bender, A. Albert M.

Guidera, A. Robert Olds, A. Ralph H. Wooten, A. Orlo H.

Quinn, A. Harold S. Wright, Q. M. Paul J.

Mathis, A. Edward Black, A. C. To be captains: Cornelius E. O'Connor.

A. Charles H. Howard. A. C.

captain. (Temporary rank of major). Edward A. Hillery, A. Donald F.

Fritch, A. Oscar L. Beal, A. Hilbert M. Wittkop, A.

Charles L. Gormon, Q. M. Archibald Y. Smith, A.

Richard E. Nugent, A. Ralph E. Fisher, A. David M.

Ramsay, A. George F. Schulgen, A. John H. McCormick, A.

Austin T. Getz, V. C. Ross, To be first lieutenants: Stoyte o. A.

Berkley E. Nelson, A. Arch J. Hanna, A. Richard A.

Grussendorf, A. John H. Ives, A. Hugh F. McCaffery, A.

Douglas M. Kilpatrick Jr. A. Thetus C. Odom, A.

Troup Miller A. Joseph A. Miller, A. Marcellus Duffy, A. Earle W.

Hockenberry, A. John E. Barr, A. Wendell W. Bowman, A.

Joseph B. Zimmerman, A. Gerald E. Williams. A.

Clarence D. McGowen, Q. M. John R. Sutherland, A.

David H. Kennedy, A. Edward G. Simenson, A. Thomas C.

Darcy, A. Clifford H. Reese, A. Eugene P. Mussett, A.

C. News Notes From Veterans Home Hospital George T. Moore, world war patient from Suffolk, has been discharged with maximum benefits and returned home. Oscar Pittard, world war veteran of Durham, N. admitted on application for hospitalization.

John P. Hudson, world war veteran of Richmond, is a patient. Harry E. Smith of Co. 1 has been given employment on the clerical staff of the chief nurse's office.

Companies Frank E. Burke and Richard W. Campbell, world war members of Co. 1 have been mailed extensions of their furloughs. Albert P.

Kendrick, Spanish war veteran, transferred from Co. 6 to Co. 3. Claude R. Mial of Co.

4 is on furlough. Harry M. Gray of convalescent Co. 4 discharged at own request and left for Salisbury, N. C.

James H. Best of Co. 6, employed in supply department, on vacation for week. William F. Alt of Co.

6 returned from furlough. Curtis A. Norris of Co: 11, employed as mess attendant, on leave for one week at Scotland Neck, N. C. Louis H.

Simpson, world war veteran of Washington, admitted to membership in Co. 11. Charles M. McCarty, world war member et Co. 11, discharged at own request rates to Richmond.

Anthony Taylor, world war patient, transferred from hospital to Co. 9. Civilian Capt. Hans I. Hanssen, supply officer, recently elected senior vicecommander and quartermaster respectively of the local unit of the V.

On hand a new lot of factory ends Paint, both Red and Brown, Suitable for Roofs, Barns and Out Buildings at 98c per gallon. Copper Paint from $1.25 per gal. up. L. BORN 51 W.

Queen, St. Hampton, Va. Phone 444 HARDWARE Paints and Oils Metal Roofing- -Shingles W. T. PATRICK Phone 725 CLOTHES FOR NEEDY CHILDREN DESIRED Hampton Red Cross and Phoebus Women's Club to Solicit Supplies This Week A concert move is being.

made by Hampton and Phoebus organizations to obtain clothing for needy persons, and especially children school age, and throughout the week a drive will be made to replenish the depleted clothes closet of the Hampton Red Cross and also get adequate clothing for children in Phoebus. The campaign in Hampton will be instituted this morning when the Red Cross chapter will distribute bags in various parts of the city. The Red Cross, which conducts a clothing closet, now is without any supply on hand, demands during the past few weeks having depleted the closet. The organization requests garments be usable and clean, since there is no fund with which to pay the cost of renovating them. Material suitable for dresses also will be appreciated.

Contributions will be received up until Friday when the bags will be collected. A like movement has been instituted by the Phoebus Women's club, with Mrs. Felix lardella, chairman of the philanthropic committee, directing the work. The committee, at the opening of the school year, finds itself without clothing supplies of any kind and the need is said to be urgent, especially for warm garments. Shoes also are needed, Mrs.

Tardella says. Contributions may be left with the chairman of the committee or with Miss M. P. Grady, in Phoebus, or will be called for if the chairman of the committee is notified. Joseph Freeman Dies at Poquoson; Rites Today at 3 Joseph Freeman, 65, life long restdent of Poquoson, died at his home Saturday at midnight after an illness of several weeks.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 at the residence with the Rev. Lee G. Crutchfield, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, officiating. Mr. Freeman was a member of York lodge, I.

O. 0. F. No. 89, and widely known throughout the county.

He was born in Poquoson. Survivers include his wife, Mrs. Lula Freman and four children, Mrs. James Dryden, Mrs. Roy Carmines, Louis Forrest and Walter Freeman, all residents of Poquoson.

Ten nephews of the deceased will serve as active pallbearers. They are Thomas L. Freeman, Edward Dryden, LITTLE PONDERS ONE IN THE ROUGH Even champions have their off moments, and the great Lawson Little who has set the golf world ablaze with his steady wins is no exception. Here he's shown in the Cleveland tournament wondering how to get back on the fairway. He did, all right, playing a safety shot, then dropping a 30-foot putt to halve the hole.

(Associated Press Photo) Austin Freeman, Talmadge Freeman, Norris Dryden, Roy F. Dryden, Calvin Kelly Dryden, Frank Dryden, John F. Freeman. 13 Big Bags Off in Bennett Race; Start in Poland WARSAW, Poland, Sept. The daring aerialists of Europe and the United States shot skyward today to start the 23rd Gordon Bennett international balloon race.

With the American entry, U. 8. navy, in second place, the great bags drifted east by northeast toward the Baltic states and Russia before a wind estimated at 45 miles an hour. The Belgian entry, Bruxelles, took off at 3:30 p. m.

(9:30 a. EST). Fifty minutes later the American balloon, glistening, in a brilliant sun, soared aloft. There were 13 entries from many nations. President Moscicki of Poland, with Believe It Or Not By Ripley A BEAR ATE WITH THE BEAR'S OWN TEETH! NIMROD ROBERTSON -of the YUKON LOST ALL OF HIS TEETH SO HE MADE PLATES WITH THE TEETH OF A BEAR THAT HE HAD SHOTAND PROCEEDED TO EAT THE DAVE WHYTE SHOT A 72 ALTHOUGH HE DUKE TOOK ON ONE HOLE BRUNSWICK ARDSLEY-ONa HUDSON CLUB, an LEFT N.Y.

GRAVESTONE TO A HAND OF GENEVA BECAUSE A POLICEMAN $100,000,000 TO THE CITY Blandon, Cemetery TREATED HIM COURTEOUSLY C.T. ALBRIGHT LOST HIS HAND IN AN ACCIDENT AND PUT UP THIS STONE 9-16 1935. King Features Syndicare, Ine, Grear Britain rights reserved EXPLANATION OF SATURDAY'S CARTOON ALL ITEMS SELF-EXPLANATORY TOMORROW: THE LAST 2 STONES IN ENGLAND mond, will be in charge of the month- Methodist church will meet today at officiate. Ten nephews will serve as pallly examinations and treatments. 3 in the church House.

bearers. The Landlord RENT Who Sticks To A Sign Must Believe In Miracles! These Landlords Let The Daily Press and Times-Herald Classified Ads Bring Them The CASH! THREE OR four room heated apartment; THREE ROOMS bath, completely completely furnished; use of phone. 746 furnished, for rent. Apply 755 TwentyTwenty-seventh Street. 20-B Street.

RENTED RENTED UNFURNISHED 3 rooms and bath apart- FURNISHED THREE rooms and bath water. Apply 229 apartment for adults only. 316 Fifty20 fourth Street. SIX ROOM house for rent; with bath, THREE-ROOM nicely furnished hot water heat and garage. Best East ment for rent.

Apply 215 Twenty-ninth End section. Immediate possession. Apply Street. Twenty-sixth Street. Phone 50.

ENTED PHONE 15 Personals J. B. Brown, assistant state manager of the Woodmen of the World will arrive in Hampton Tuesday to spend the remainder of the week. Auxiliary Meets The Woman's auxiliary of the First BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus BY GOLLY- -THIS STUDIO ILL TAKE A WALK WELL -I DIDN'T NOW-IS WORK IS EASIER THAN AROUND THE STUDIO KNOW THEY HAD THAT BEIN' A NIGHT LOT- CANT SLEEP A RESTAURANTON NICE? ALL THE TIME- THE LOT108 SET TO STAGE 3 NO. 14 TODAY CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE King Features Syndicate, Inc, Great Britain rights reserved 9-16 FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADS (HAMPTON BUREAU) WANTED WANTED SEWING to do.

Relining coats specialty. Mrs. Louise Quinn. Phone 284-J. 242 Lee Street.

SPECIAL -NOTICE SWEET, JUICY oranges, 15c cantelopes, 10c; sweet potatoes, 3 Ibs. 10c or $1 per bushel: apples, 25c peck Or 750 bushel; egg plants, 50 each; Barred Rock chickens, lb. Davis Market. Phone 1122 or 1315. SMALL, FRESH pork shoulders, 26c pound; rib stew beef, pound; Armour's quality chuck roast.

21c pound; tender sirloin steak, 39c pound; special meat loaf, 3 pounds for 69c; boneless veal roast, 27c pound; Armour's Star hams, 33c pound. Phone 1330. We deliver. Sunshine Market. PLENTY OF soft crabs, peelers, crab meat, shrimp.

P. K. Hunt and Son, foot of King St. Hamaton Wharf Phone 955. WE DO orthopedte work, and rebulld crippled shoes.

Shoes dyed any color. Twiford's, Better Shoe Repairing. Phone 1619. 100 E. Queen Street.

FOR RENT FOR RENT -Three unfurnished rooms; bath; $10.00 month. Apply 22 East Queen Street. Phone 898. FOR RENT- -Furnished room; heated. 122 Melrose Avenue.

Phone 833-J. FOR RENT -Small store room; best block in Hampton; $20.00 month. Apply 22 East Queen Street. Phone 896. TWO SMALL, furnished cottages at Buckroe.

Apply Miss Howard, 115 Locust Street, after 5 p. m. ONE ROOM furnished house. Completely equipped. Also two rooms for rent.

Also garage. Phone 946-J. FOR -Three room apartment with all conveniences. Call Lee's Service Station. Phone 983.

FOR SALE Hamilton piano, $25. 322 Hope Street, Phoebus. FRESH DAILY, soft crabs, crab meat and clams. Telephone 1727. We deliver.

Amory Holloway. FOR SALE- -Look over the new houses being built on Chapel Street. You can buy one and pay for it like rent. J. M.

Willis. Phone 329. FOR SALE- One Kelvinator, seven foot box on terms. One Hoosier kitchen cabinet and other furniture. 6 Mellen Street, over A.

P. Store, Phoebus. Phone 1701. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undesigned has qualified as administrator upon the Estate of the late Virgil G. Kelly.

All persons having bills against said Estate please present the same for payment, and all persons owing said Estate will please settle their accounts with the undersigned. Jack G. Kelly, administrator, 612 Washington Street, Hampton, Virginia. CENTRAL Y. B.

U. MEETS THIS EVENING The monthly meeting of the Y. P. of the Central Methodist church will meet today at 7:30 p. in the Friendship class room.

Officers for the year will be elected and other business transacted. TO DANCE TONIGHT The enlisted men at Fort Monroe will a dance at the Fort Monroe Paola, C. A. tonight, beginning at 8:30, with the post orchestra furnishing the music. In addition to the Monday night affair, dances also will be held each Thursday night during the fall and winter.

other dignitaries, saw the balloonists off. Lieut. John 0. Tyler, the U. 8.

navy's pilot, was suffering with a cold in his head but he thought it would not hinder him. CHILD CLINIC TODAY The crippled children's clinic, sponsored by the Hampton, Kiwanis club, will be held this morning from 9 to 12 at the Dixie hospital. Dr. Thomas H. Wheeldon, Rich- Deaths life long resident of Poquoson, after 1935, at FREEMAN-Died midnight- Joseph Saturday, Freeman, Sept.

B9FI illness of several weeks. Surviving relatives include his wife, Mrs. Lula Freeman and four children- Mrs. James Dryden, Mrs. Roy Carmines, Mrs.

Louis Forrest and Walter Freeman, all of Poquoson. Funeral services at the residence today at 3 p. m. The Rev. Lee G.

Crutchfield will.

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


How do I place an obituary in Daily Press Newport News VA? ›

Submit an obituary. Phone for help: 757-247-4700. Send a letter to the editor: email letters@dailypress.com.

What is the phone number for the Daily Press Newport News? ›

Click here or call 757 247-4800. For help with more complicated questions, email us at customerservice@dailypress.com.

What is the local newspaper for Newport News, Virginia? ›

Daily Press Newport News, Va.

How to cancel daily press subscription online? ›

You may cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 757-247-4800, or if you purchased your subscription online you can cancel online at any time here.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

How do I make an obituary fast? ›

Writing an Obituary
  1. Their age upon death.
  2. Birthday.
  3. Birthplace.
  4. A list of the surviving relatives.
  5. Date of death.
  6. The location (city/state) where they died.
  7. Details about the funeral service: date, time, place.
  8. Where the person lived.

How do I contact the local newspaper? ›

Writing a letter to the letters page is one of the quickest and easiest ways to contact your local media. The letters page is one of the most read parts of a local newspaper. To enhance your chances of getting a letter printed it's helpful to read previous letters to get a sense of the style they like to publish.

How do I get in contact with the press? ›

Contacting journalists in order to get press coverage—also known as pitching journalists—can be done through many different mediums. Most commonly this is done through email, but you can also contact journalists on social media platforms, over the phone, or in person, for example at conferences.

Why is Newport News famous? ›

Newport News played a major role in the Peninsula Campaign during the Civil War. Numerous earthen fortifications and attractions that relate to the Civil War can be experienced in Newport News. In addition, the famous "Battle of the Ironclads" took place off the shores of Newport News in 1862.

Why is Newport News called news? ›

The new governor ordered them to turn around and return to Jamestown. Under this theory, the community was named for Newport's "good news". Another possibility is that the community may have derived its name from an old English word "news" meaning "new town".

What is the largest newspaper in Virginia? ›

The Times-Dispatch has the second-highest circulation of any Virginia newspaper, after Norfolk's The Virginian-Pilot. In addition to the Richmond area (Petersburg, Chester, Hopewell, Colonial Heights and surrounding areas), the Times-Dispatch has substantial readership in Charlottesville, Lynchburg, and Waynesboro.

How diverse is Newport News VA? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 1.01 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (75.6k people) in Newport News, VA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 75.1k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 7.94k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

How do I contact Daily Press Virginia? ›

Contact us at 757-247-4730 or tips@dailypress.com. Need help with your subscription? Contact customer service at customerservice@dailypress.com.

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You can cancel the subscriptions by emailing the service providers. If this proves elusive, then go through your bank statements going back 12 months. Look out for regular subscriptions that you forgot or are fraudulent. You can cancel them via the respective websites or by emailing the respective companies.

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How do you place an obituary in a local paper? ›

To submit a death notice to a newspaper you can go to the paper's website and follow the instructions there, or you can go to Legacy.com and find a link to the newspaper's death notice submission page there. To submit an obituary online, use our resource Guide: Filing a Death Notice or Obituary.

How do you write an obituary for a local newspaper? ›

How to Write a Newspaper Obituary
  1. Full name of the deceased.
  2. City where they resided.
  3. Surviving family.
  4. Date, time and address of memorial service.
  5. Date, time and address of burial service.
  6. Officiating clergy.
  7. Memorial contributions to be made in lieu of flowers to:
  8. Photo – if there's room.
Apr 28, 2024

How do I submit an obituary to the Press Democrat? ›

Need help publishing an obituary in Press Democrat Life Tributes? Obituaries can also be telephoned to our support team at +1 (844) 541-5695 or sent by email to SMIObits@obituaries.com.

What is the largest obituary website? ›

The Web site hosts obituaries and memorials for more than 70 percent of all U.S. deaths. Legacy.com hosts obituaries for more than three-quarters of the 100 largest newspapers in the U.S., by circulation.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.