The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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82 Sale Help AgenU 82 Sale Help AgenU 182 Sale Help Agent 183 Help Wanted S3 Help Wanted Male 1 Male Male emale Male a emale 84 Help Wanted emale 84 Help Wanted emale UNIVERSITY Or TORONTO TORONTO DAILY STAR Tues Sept 13 1966 45 34 Help Wanted emale 84 Help Wanted emale SALESMAN NATIONAL TRUST CO LTD WANTED REQUIRE TYPIST SUCCESS OPPORTUNITY CLERKS APPLY Phone for interview appointment 364 9141 251 1171 CLERKS CANADIAN TIRE CORP MANAGER OR LONG TERM INTERESTING ASSIGNMENTS Please call 366 7341 for an appointment OLSTENS or Personal Interview Call 84 Help emale CLERK TYPIST 362 1861 MR I BOYES TEMPORARY 84 8 LOOR Tues Thru riday 10 am 6 pm Telephone now 922 2196 Typists OPPORTUNITY PLEASE PHONE OR APPOINTMENT EATON'S Personnel Office 925 6611 Phone EM 4 4393 REQUIRES LORD SIMCOE HOTEL HAS VACANCIES OR GENERAL TO ENTER A NEW PROESSION Junior Magna Electronics CLERICAL CLERICAL KEYPUNCH Typists POSITIONS YOUNG MEN Coporation Limited WE TRAIN YOU STA OPERATORS 970 Broadview Ave AGE 17 TO 20 ARE YOU Toronto 6 461 0237 ALPHA NUMERIC 18 19 20 21 ven of 13 Mrs Kennedy CLERK APPLY WE want vw Immadiafeiy If: EMPLOYMENT OICE 363 3471 1 Smartly tfrtsMd 924 6863 EXT 333 CALL WA 5 221 1 14 ALBERT ST 3RD LOOR TYPIST TYPISTS OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY 925 1345 The Workmen's Manicurists OR PucchMlng Department hws 8 5 Compensation SALESMEN ULLY EXPERIENCED WE rauire 2 young men 21 35 who wish ooporlwiN leadmg to management ull Time Part time 24 45 Years REQUIRES CLERKTYPIST APPLY nd Regency Salon CLERKS 30 TO 40 REQUIRES to MINIMUM EDUCATION GRADE EATON'S Clerk OR APPOINTMENT PHONS OR INTERVIEW PLEASE CALL EXCELLENT BENEITS Typist Mr Townend PAID WEEKLY 10 affl 8 pm CLERK TYPISTS 363 4823 Ext 312 362 341) Ext 235 PERMANENT TV Antenna Montreal Trust Co ar Interview Call Representatives 15 KING ST CAREER Tower 362 6363 LOC 392 CLERK ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Secretary Salesman IRM Medical Typist CLERK OICE CLERK for TYPISTS 0 ec 364 4171 Loc 37 MACHINE TEACHING OPERATORS BOX 633 STAR POSITIONS SALARIED Mrs Smith Representative JOIN THE TECHNICIAN 362 LOC 212 EM 6 8211 KEYPUNCHI LADIES' APPAREL STORE SO YORK ST STH LOOR JUNIOR CLERK MANAGERESS OPERATORS HEAD COOK $125 PER WK UP EVENING sh*t OR INTERVIEW PHONE: Separate Schools 757 4173 249 1221 INSURANCE Purchasing Dept CLERK MESSENGER 1617 YEARS AGE COMPTOMETER TYPIST APPLY Associate Wanted YOUNG WOMEN OPERATORS SO YORK ST STH LOOR TO BE OPENED IN POLICY WRITER GIRL RIDAY 84 Help Wanted emale WAITRESSES SALESMEN CLERKS PHOTOGRAPHER SELLING GROUP INSURANCE LARGE company has openino for 2 ca reer salesmen or women uture man a a General office ex COUNTER wort 4 12 Scott's Chicken WOMEN'S APPAREL foil ftote EM 3 CP AN INTERVIEW PLEASE TELEPHONE ULL TIME EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM 25 YEARS AGE ULL COMPANY BENEITS STARTING SALARIES OR EXPERIENCED APPLICANTS ARE ROM ANNUALLY OR INEXPERIENCED APPLICANTS ROM UJ0C ANNUALLY IN ADDITION THERE IS A COMPLETE EMPLOYEE BENEIT PROGRAM II III 3 Ambitious enough to Increase wc M00 monthly itarfino guarantee for the DUN BRADSTREET 84 CARLTON ST UNIVERSITY OOD SERVICE depts Minimum education Grade or appointment please call I YOU ARE AN AGGRESSIVE IMAGINATIVE YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN EAGER TO BUILD A REWARDING CAREER BETWEEN THE AGES to 4ft YEARS WITH MINIMUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION ONE CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL ORGANIZATIONS WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS WITH YOU THE ADVANTAGES A RETAIL CAREER you are neat appearance and have a desire Io succeed you may quali fy for a position with one of the most companies in mt salary protection led Salary plus commission while In framing WHERE you a mi more exciting pretebte caer that pays you Berrou commissions and bonuses PART time required by private club 927 3811 (CLOSE TO EATON 5 COLLEGE ST SUBWAY) YOU will be out through a most Intensive and thorough real eshfe aimng program CALL MR BEGGS 429 1600 2 Interested In tales wort t'to willing to team MONDAY ATER 11 NOON TUES ALL DAY ON THE GOLDEN MILE Have vacancies for 2 experienced and car salesmen CHENILLE oparafora experienced poqg cay Aron Socrtmar 363 5729 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS TOP COMMISSIONS NEW DEMONSTRATOR BENEITS TOP RATES OR EXPERIENCED PEOPLE START TODAY minced Own car and have good piovment history RELOCATING MID OCT IN SCARBORO APTITUD OR IGURES AND DETAIL WORK IMMEDIATE oDDortunifv in Buvers of i fice ana c'der dept of National varety SALARY $76 TO $81 PER WEEK EXCELLENT opportunity fo become es tarnished with well known metor club We are look ma for men A women Inter ested in earning a flood Income WE offer allowance during framing plus commission as well as cenerout fringe benefits OR aopoinfment telephone tYAL4R ES up to BURROUGHES BUSINESS MACHINES LIMITED CORPORATION (at Davenport) THESE ff permanent positron In a pteasam aowntown location with con 8 ial working end hj't benefits Ace Janitorial Supplies 783 7466 OR prox viftu uiarv required ip Box 472 Stat GRADE 10 education Neal appear ance 5 dav week and other employ ment benefits Opportunity tor advancement YPRlNfn mn rnBird installation sales Ex TV serviceman or installer preferrea BACKLOG of inautrtM Insure a high income for a man that knows the business Must have own vehicle Salary commission basis CANADIAN TIRE 837 Yonge St MANN MARTEL CANADA LARGEST REALTORS Required Immediately CLERK TYPIST Contact Bill Brack 279 5830 SALESMAN to enroll students for large music school Commission Car re gu red 465 5421 EXPERIENCED cnlv new Ivo tele phone food canvas S125 cr hour plus Hours 3 to 830 3035 Kkastuh Rd 266 4448 RU 1 6181 ASK OR IAN CAMERON McKELVEY 362 6641 EXPERIENCED 5'esmn wnfH 0xoandinn cur ercat htisinffis in north west Danforth and Agincourt am Extra advertising end daily beta while training Drew on commissions while training Mr Keith 487 1401 Keith Ltd Realtor THEN you will begin your career backed by Intensive advertising gven a list of purchases each dav and pictum of 'udred? rt exclusive bcnj we have for sa1 plus the financing and backing of Largest home Seilers HENRY BIRKS SONS 5 TEMPERANCE STTH LOOR MUSICAL Instrument satesm experi enced for well atteblUhed and intro duced line for province of Ontario Good opportunity Commission Aooiv to: Davis Importing Co Ltd 1015 Wil liam St Montreal Quebec ROBUST INTERNATIONAL SALES ORGANIZATION COERS REWARD ING BALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY OR ENTHUSIASTIC AMBI TIOUS MEN OR CANDY PLANT REQUIRED ve good typing and shorthand 249 7418 Part tim rl also needed shorthand not a necessity APPL IN CONIDENCE TO BUMBY WED 9 5 PM 636 0621 EXPERIENCED for night work 4 1) pm for manufacture of ledes lingerie and housecoats OR OOD BROKERS JANE WILSON AREA 5 DAY WEEK PHONE Mr Ross 249 2206 TO: ASSISTANT MANAGER 63A ST GEORGE ST SALESMAN to cover Southern Ontario th motile tra rter showroom selling children's Christmas parties froohies Salary commission 241 418 YOUNG man depressive wel groomed for rare opportunity to Ion our office supply Mtes division Must have car determination Commission and car al Irwanre Davto Hs 633 7954 EXPERIENCED IBM Has Ooenmgs ar Experienced Sta: OR confidential Interview teleohon Norm Lewis Americana Corp 366 9994 EXPERIENCED agents required by one of Canada's fastest growing A companies Guaranteed salary according to experience SUCCESSUL applicants will be trained tor managerial opportuni ties 83A Teachers OOOOOO0OOOOQCOOOOCCCOO A Canadian subsidiary of a Brit ish company requires an ex perienced executive secretary at tOP level This is a responsi ble position with an expanding company New and extremely pleasant offices tn the Don Mills Rd Egiirton Ave area Piease reply with full particulars to: 4 now cense required Car suoohed Good commission and bonus scheme Apply in person to Mr Adams Rootes 1921 Eglinton Scarboro REQUIRED immediately for rrd r0 nffica located Hwy 27 and Dundas St Hours 8 30 Io 4 30 CALL 239 3571 MRS WINTER THIS large organization located in Wes ton requires keypunch operators to work an evening shift A minimum of one year's experience Is required 244 2511 EXT 324 UNITED CO OPERATIVES ONT I AN unusually Interesting business re i ouex ado tonai efface staff Accra's tvDnn a must Agpibona' stills of flood English aene office fiKa and ludqement are orooerty aoorr cated Downtown location close to sub way 845 to 445 Mon to or Their Downtown Sales Office CONEDERATION LIE ASSOCIATION MUST be fully experienced In ladies' dress? 1 sportswear Must be capable of handling mechand'Sing mo tivating staff inteasing saes If you fulfill these Qualifications call 267 4332 AH applications confidential Regular sales help also required BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR DR Burroughs Serslmatlc 100 Experi enced on accounts receiveaoie A pay able Typing general knowitdge of bookkeeping required College Bathurst24 7161 local 37 European Speaking Salesman A LePAGE LTD RLTR DUE TO EXPANDING BUSINESS OUR DANORTH OriCE HAS AN OPENING OR A EUROPEAN SPEAKING SALESMAN EXPER IENCE PREERRED BUT WILL CONSIDER TRAINING RIGHT MAN EXCELLENT CHANCE TO JOIN A WELL RESPECTED AND PROGRESSIVE IRM CALL MR BAIN AT 465 7527 OR Respiratory unction Laboratory IS LOCATED ON 17 MIDWAY BE S2A Agencies and Sideline Wanted SALESMAN EXPERIENCED wort seif starter age 22 30 Salary Pavlove Associates 77 York St 36B 082Q EXCELLENT Income for agqfwsive man Salary car allowance and commission To take over highly productive Toronto territory selling a collection sarvlra TELEPHONE MR HOLWELL 927 5230 REQUIRED immediately bv downtowm hie inurance company interesting posi tions In our Investment and Accounting COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING PROGRAM AT COMPANY EXPENSE IN TORONTO GOOD IMMEDIATE INCOME EARNED ROM COMMISSION WHILE SERVICING ESTABLISHED CUSTOMERS AND SELLING NEW AC COUNTS IN BUSINESS INCOME PROTECTION GUARANTEED UW A WEEK OR 1ST WEEKS IN THE IELD GOOD CHARACTER BACKGROUND OVER il HAVE CAR REE TO TRAVEL 5 DAYS IN THE AREA APTITUDE OR IGURES REQUIRED tor cost clniiAiio iJ Switchboard experence for rebel CALL MR LANDA 247 87 BETWEEN 9 AM AND 430 PM SALESMAN aur arowine business needs an additional salesman You will be associated with one of the largest firms in its fie'd If you are In a "dead end" lob we offer vou the oo portunity to res Lie vour Must have car be bondable Commission sales Phone 925446 for interview rriornirs only ASSISTANT CUTTER 1 WITH knowledge of brassieres girde ViarX DeSalcieS LIO Zj LailcW Ave 461 021 1 OR transport company age 20 22 to assist Terminal Claims Manager Good opportunity for advancement CALL MR JOHN McEWEN LEVEL LEVEL I VL LEVEL IV 54600 55300 ANNUAL increment provided within sal ary schedule LIVING allowance anled after one with board 5200 per vear for first two vears 5100 per vpar fgr next three vears CUMULATIVE nek ieave plan in effect ST IS A MODERN OUR ROOM SCHOOL WITH A NEW THREE 1 A A A I I I I 1 SEPTEMBER INTERESTING work In modem air conditioned office Permanent sala ried positions Increase on merit Llbe benefits 5 day week NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TELEPHONE MRS ORD AT THEsE are Interesting positions our data processing dapament riT ary requirements ri accuracy mit ahve Typing advantageous but not es Excin rPDortunity for caoaoe aapHcarts 18 te 35 who can work wih minimum supervision SALESMEN OR INDUSTRIAL Department of Old Established TRUST COMPANY INTERESTING position available In downtown office of a larc financial organization APPLY IN PERSON MR CREANER RECORD CLERK DOWNTOWN branch of large life insur ance co close to subway Pleasant sur roundings intereshng and vared work Usual fringe benefits Cail Prudential i DeKoninq PAYROLL CLERK West end supermarket with an us emo'ovees Must have pre xncrence Write civino details GIRLS OR WORK IN SPORTS SHIRT ACTORY LOCATED NEAR SUBWAY APPLY: CURRIE LTD WE reauire a conscientious person rjlivm a Lflrv imMttn! hinrliAn cur Investment Accounting Divsion While the work Is somewhat rouble in nature it does reauire a hiah dearee of accuracy and the ability to concentrate Applicants should have a background of erica? experience and be able to use an electric typewriter although hah speed is not essential MODERN buildina Downtown location conoenial atmosphere PLEASE ohone for interview appoint ment MEN (3) not afraid wbfx on esta blished food drug route Tec commia siers or interview 769 2766 ROUTE SALESMAN A terrific opportunity to enter met field with 98 year old drug food com pany Expansions promotions creating openings Salary commission bo nus or 'Interview phone 481 9580 CANVASSERS VLAY or commission vour choice No experience needed short hours weHDolv transportation Horne's ood Co 787 0626 Required for a manufacturing company in Golden Mile a ea Excellent benefits CONTACT PERSONNEL 751 5051 REQUIRE technician with exnenence tn handling scientific equipment Exper ience in respiratory function Lao not es sential An RT would be an asset but not cssary IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT APPLY PERSONNEL OICE TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL 101 COLLEGE ST EM 6 821) LOCAL 2263 4 )OeiQOOOOOCOOOOOQjOOOOO elementarv A "Secondary lev els uraentlv required for city suburbs outskirts AU subjects Car weferable Tutoring Dept Canadian Academy of Languages 488 4178 9 9 Private Schools anti English speaking math teacher part time 830 12 Mon ri Box 528 Star NURSERY school teacher for private day nursery 531 4952 DON MILLS REQUIRED Immediately to train on comptometer or cakulaYr Aoolicant should be between the aoes of 18 25 with a minimum Gr de Xll educalion This is a full lime position OR further information i appoint ment pease call 429 2222 WE OER A POSITION WHERE YOUR UTURE IS ASSURED THERE IS NO CEILING ON INCOME NO SALES EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED EXCELLENT TRAINING IS PROVIDED AGE AND EXPERIENCE ARE NOT A ACTOR IN RELATION TO MANAGEMENT MANUACTURER makno Quality lire ef lag s' foundation garments looking fr ar exrr'' ma ture person capable of hiring and ejecting sa esman for th province Ontario Excellent fr cn who has nectnary cuai Wiceftons and exoar arc CALL MR BASIL COHfiN Villa 3495Jbeppjrd 293 791 1 COUNTER oirl expernced for dry Cieenmq 6 9ii COUNTER coffee shoo Apply Grenader Restaurant 20fl PeraMde Dr High Park girh (2) warted ran er" jii time Davs Mon to Duncas Jinoton 239 0642 after 230 pm COUNTER neio for dry cleartnc store Gerrard Mem OX8 5fru4 "COUNTERGIRL expwienced full or part time ege tor meat dehca tsen dept Ohour wee Good weci for right person Knowleooe German CH 9 2MI COUNTERGIRL full time expert wiced" fcr dry ctartno piert Nee! pearance pleasant z83 6aS5 COUNTERGIRL dry cteaner wet! end 766 1007 COUNTERGIRI full time experienced for dry cleaning store ptanl beat aoceeranca i pleasant 783655 OOD PLAN ALE AN Experienced only S2tt commission per safe Phone 266 4448 OR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NO EXPERIENCE A BUT MUST TYPE AT LEAST 4 WPM NORTH EAST LOCATION STARTING SALARY 50 REPRESENTATIVES TO service established cbentel ApdH cants must be bondable and have a accd employment record 25 45: mar ried Salary while training S40G S6QO mn followed bv salary and commissinn after well oianneo training program Phone personnel manager INDUSTRIAL LIE INSURANCE CO 435 9133 UNTIL 430 447 3941 UTIL 9 PM BILL White h'ghly regveed wear merenar der hrM for meat professional rwrejentalien In Toronto Western Ont one of Toronto a show rwmbK0Ng 362 3267 NIGHT WORK 4 15 PM 1130 PM NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ApPI H3 TYCOS DR GLENCAIRN CALEDONIA OR men's soorts shirt factory Ide al downtown location near subway APPLY: CURRIE LTD REQUESTED BY SCARBORO USING KARDEX SYSTEM EXPER' IENCE PREERRED PHONE 751 6111 Ext 45 pertnce preferred irm located Queen Hwy27 Call MfSUedeJrf 435 CLERK t'eist receivable and cenerai office Some ex ence rsguired Rotor Electrc Re dae Blvd tvpit! manufacturing firm pleasant surroundings good saary Miltorock Snirt 366 8673 CLERK tvoist some packaging Acrty Marco Medical $updIm 3i Yonge366 9335 CLcRK for order desk of broaScom wholesale house Preferably with epfh rce Mrs DeviS RU 9 4561 REQUIRED bv company in Goidn inie a iw tusrorrij rrar'ic partmenf Must be reltab'e sponsible person Good hoist curate with figures 751 7050 TO SELL TET BOOKS TO STUDENTS DUKIKS SEP TEMBER AHO OCTOBER 1 HR BAY PLUS SOME EVGS Superior inance 2 CARLTON ST (EAST MEZZANINE) PERSONNEL SA RICHMOND Tuesday September 13 or Wednesday September 142:30 to 430 pm Only WE have an opening for a young sing'e man 18 to 22 who is box mg for a permanent career in se es evious sellinc experience not es ental We stress oesonaYty xp oearance mecnamcai inclinrt'on and enthusiasm Salary pad during training period GESTETNER (CANADA) LTD WITH AN UNLIMITED UTURE TO ll material eauipmenl to commercial and industrial accounts WE OER YOU TOP COMMISSIONS PROTECTED TERRITORY EXCELLENT TRAINING PROGRAM Our expanding active real estate department requires two exper ienced rnen immediately Generous commission arrangement or inter view please call King EASTERN CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY IW YONGE ST 481 3441 BROADLOOM sales are booming We need experienced direct salesmen who are willing to work for well above aver age earnings on good comrmsson basis No broadloom experience necessary Leads supplied ONLY reliable persons need apply MR MANDELL 741 V22 REALESTATE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS OR SALES PERSONNEL MALE EMALE VERY ACTIVE OICE TOP COM MISSIONS EXCELLENT HEALTH PLAN NEW AND RESALE HOMES WE WILL TRAIN YOU 634 7661 STEIN RE LTD RLTR Member Toronto Real Estate Board) VARITYPE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED and deoendabi person for commercial work oood wages and workinq conditions 3667814 HANDICAPPED PEOPLE LIGHT work full or part time call Mr Hall 368 0885 CASHIERS experienced irf lirne and full time west end supermarket Cooks Area Mr Edwards 625 209C COOK to operate small kitchen 5 hrs daily EM 3 B516 COUPLE experienced for niahtly office cleaning Jane Lawrence area $80 mo Holmes CH 1 7485 LORIST designer male female Rose lorist 3011 Batnurst St RU 2 1388 or RIL2 W77 GENERAL duties for live poultry plant Aae over 16 Apply 972 Broadview Ave PART hme cashier counter work Dun das Hwy Dixie Rd RO 6 7055 PHARMACIST reouired formerly well established pharmacy business now opening new store Kennedy Ellesmere all equipment available or particulars call 759 0555 SERVICE clerk cashier with experi ence 5 30 930 om Northtown ord Sales 5 444 Yonoe St Apply Smelser SHOE operators experienced Nu Wav Shoe Company 100 SUPT experienced fcr 79 sudes aoutt building Central 923 3458 "VANCOUVER BC OPPORTUNITIES WITH Canada's largest and fastest orowmq phonoaraoh record chain posi Lons open at present for buvers and ex perienced record sales oeooie Write A McLeod co KelGs on Seymour 780 Beattv Street Vancouver stat inq aoe experience and when availah Above average salary and oooortunty for advancement for me rioht applicant CASHIER clerk for discount cnam ex cr iiant cnanc? Kr advancement Appi 65 chmorj at A CASHIER Icy fruit who esale bond pe West end 589l CASHIERS certs experienced nr scc jrt druc eham downtown Eoho ton Yonge area Steady job good sala ry soon In person ApoLo 469 Yono Sh CASHIER hosrtss experienced ontY need apply 259 9442 CASHIER exoerenced aae 2S 45 for west end drug sunCnr store Jana Run nymfe ptaasww personality 8 appear ance 769 5201 CASHIER fop wanes on hoo Meatiand 7932 Dundas St 769 25 i CA5Hep must be exoer eoced laroe I volume wf service drua i D'uo Mart Eculnton Souare Plaza PL HUI for tcbaccn nce preferred: nood benefits: aopiv i Tobacco Deal Tower of Hen Pa CHAMBERMAID part time tat Sun A Man 5W Sherbourre SN CHE etse 7692 Arqyle Chrysler Dodge Ltd COOKSVILLE REQUIRE EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN WHITE RIVER Kin TWEEN ORT WILLIAM AND SAULT STE marie ACCESSIBLE BY ROAD OR RAIL APPLY giving name addrr phone number marital aoe qualifications experience and reler ences name and address rt laM Inspec tor 10! CONCH SEC TREAS PO BOX 115 WHITE RIVER ONT CAETERIA AUdvrti office buitdmg downtown REQUIRES WAGON GIRL davs only no weekends 34 5141 tec 228 between 9 am 4 TYPIST OR Invoicing on ccrnputyper machine I Experience an asset Good salary Ac ply Mr Leber 366 2806 A vounfl ladv lor Credi? Dert tvpmg essential must be accurate phon Mr Richards WA DOCTOR'S AMILY WANTS A live oenerau likes children own Quarters too wanes char 489 4677 TYPIST ACCURATE 60 wpm with clerical ex perience mature person Permanent tx Church Bloor area Phone 924 J329L ADULTS to wort In poll club snack tar Start Immediate work until course closes fail Previous experi ence net essential Apply in person to Mrs Aaar Don Valley Gcif Coursecf Sar 4200 Yonce St Wed 3 pmALERT Mdv aqe between 30 50 oood tfephone voice for chaefQino work Experience in deatmc with the public Good working sale'V bonus Onlv aaoiicants needlno per manent cc siticns reed awlv 9289fc fully experienced on iades ready to wear full time AM 7 2151 I 'ALTERATION girl Hir $hccoT Worttf Pza must txoerienued on i wear Aooiv PennmqtonJAfs Cowan I ALTERATIONISTS? full Part timaT uostairs workroom far stc'e (west end) Close to subway Mt 5haelX23M634 for Diasttes firm Rex cam area 8 4 shin J497179 OR a permanent position arid offers one of the highest annual incomes in any field We are in a well known orga nization specializing In the saving and Investment field PREVIOUS investment or sales experi ence not necessary as complete training for continued assistance provided Gen ernus advances and commissions MANAGERIAL ability recognized by early MR PARNALL 487 3691 REQUIRED by downtown book publish er to tram for position in customer service dept Experience not necessary Miss Joyce 366 7891 IMMEDIAlTOPENiNG YOUNG lady or married for po sition as scalp treatment technician with Internaticnahv known firm Treat ing mostly men No experience neces sary We will train or app't tail Mr Mackav EM 2 1652 after a ly WAITRESSES PART TIME ACCURATE tvpist required for special medical unit Some knowledge of medi cal terminology desirable and future training will be given DUTIES Include typlna reports of fests plus reception work and telephone an swerlna Hours 9 am to 1230 noon 5 day week APPLY PERSONNEL OICE TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL 101 COLLEGE ST LOCAL 2263 4 "CLERK northwest 5 wks or appoint ment call Canadian Office Services 923 9806 CLERK tvpist lumor for billing and geneiai oifee ort apply Loncdon Co King 9 fo 12 ri roviunict Mimlrn mint i education araae zpeou CLERK aptitude for figures nea hano wrihng air conditioned office Aoblv at 55 Arrow Rd Weston CLERK luntor or mailing room General office duties Eatmton Ycnoe 43547447 CLERK tvpist mature person for mer chandising firm In Kino Duffer area usual fringe benetfo To arrange inter ew call 363 6061 Mrs Mathyws RK typist for general accounting office duties some office exoenenct preferred but not essential Usual com parry benefits Mrsv Maiola 363 4383 CLERK typist for interertmq cutie' fo congenial office of downtown publisher will tram EM 3 749 nArttm innnc to trial balance some fyomg Mrs zac Carthy zc2 8213 BOOKKTEPER typist for small tour ance oftice EM 4 2560 BOOKKEEPING machine ooerafor central 10 mos or appointmentcbII Canadian Office Servlces923 98O6 BOOKKEEPING machine operator (Ur derwood 5131 reauired ov transbvrt company located tn Cooksville McAu ley Transfer Western 6x5 1460 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR NCR 3000 ecarate mature person Permanent nosition Church Bioor area pt nne 924 7329 "BOOKKEEPING machine epe'or Burroughs 100 some typmg reaured ab winter monfos McKinnon ues 694rtl87 1 BREAKAST cook and hart canfoc Smah priva'e school 25 residents 927 1 J06A BREAKAST waitress 730 2 Mattre 1 Heel 1 Benvenufo Place 4i6a CAETERIA kitchen helper for cenerei kitchen duties washing dshes 5 day wk 5 hr cay vicln tv EefofoMr Cnor 186 Bartley Dr Tor HU nn INTELLIGENT grt tor routine pur chasing dotes stock records typ inn "feuired by manufacturer in the DuHerfo Lawrence area Experience an assrt MR SMITH 789 3'41 1139 COLLEGE ST 534 7538 CAR JOCKEYS PERMANENT molovmn! deal ership All company benefits Apply Service Manager 5211 GIRL" RIDAY TO take complete charge of smalt of fice Must have Good typfoo skills A bookkeeping to trial balance Shorthand helpful Downsview area Pnone 635 0400 SKIP TRACER ULL or part time for Granite Club Main dimng room Apply d' 63 St Clair 3 5 pm STEAMSHIP AGENCY REQUIRES JUNIOR CLERK TYPING AN ADVANTAGE CAIL OR INTERVIEW 368 2224 JUNIOR BOOKKEEPER OR chartered accountants Yonge Eglimon area Permanen? posi tion for right person 487 1558 NURSES BOSTON SA OR nursing home write Mpehenct references to: Jack Pearlman 22 Salis bury Rd Brookline Mass USA BOOKKEEPER experienced han dling smaH otiice sfoif compe set cf bnks fo trial balance Must be aoie to run NCR machine Too salary Par dale area Box 666 Star BOOKKEEPER experienced for inter esting position charte ed accountants 5110 wk Soupcoff Starkman Kraft 8 Co 782J155 BOOKKEEPER "experienced part time midfown area 636 BOOKKEEPER experienced for bnck plant in Cooksvilie 279 121 I BOOKKEEPER typist receptionwr for commercial art srudof 93 2171 BOOKKEEPER expenenced for char i forfo cH foe wuh Dhty to i take set of records to trial baiance aES I I BOOKKEEPER I NilAA Canadian Um Ito sceoaLsh I I co*cking a xf reproduction mafor aK nd cerfo exclusive otftce reauire merts eperatnc room coast tp Cbast i aumes a for ire Toronto I EXPERIENCE in sales an i rnouGh essential as foil training is proviced but we are toextna far foe VOt nc prscnable and Ovnac bars worker 19 and 25 determined fo succeed and to further erve ce es territory a cuaranteed salary to start oomq on to a saiary and com mission bass la Cor atowar ce and usuaf fringe penf4ts OR APPOINTMENT CALL: SALESMAN for retail men wear store exoerenced saary 2995 Dundas St Mr Murry SALESMAN riour experienced man ta i hgn reseat maintfinanc Prtd vets to restaurarts clubs hotels Commission tor seif starter Estabnshed busss Cail Mr Weinert 6 8 pm RU 2 V3I and orcuo Insurance Yotmo men for in i fe esting sales work Debutante ur nhinos 783 7171 i cavfoq salesmen reouked to sett driveways part no Info etc in To ronto grounding are venf oood commission or attractive oar basis 924 1 036'3 CANVASSERS experienced for estab lished food 4 freezer company commis sion 282rt98 fW who wart ex're lines Commission Wr Smith Wholesale Clifford Ont ULL TIME MON RL POT washers baker's helper bus bovs supervisor dining room 11 a 8 pm supervisor for coffee shoo 2:30 11 Pm HART HOUSE DINING HALL QUEENS PARK CRES 928'2444 REGISTERED Loboratory Technologist PPOIlIPPri irrmsjUlv EXPERIENCED in aeneral laboratory chain work rcematoiOQy bio cremstrv btood bank APPLY Chief Technologist Central Hos pital 925 8991 SALESMAN at asphalt Bavinq commission 638 253 SALESMEN call cn )i a ed office machines high commission protected territories 282 9840 OR INTERVIEW CALL 362 6541 Mr WAGNER felesnwn needed hnmedteielv fw ec vt esrt end office Second lanouace nefoful but not necessary Top commis sion Previous real estate experience rrt We will train you or In terview call Mr Joseph 698 5588 AIMIS REALTOR PART TIME S0fi ULL TIME MONTHLY salary pkts car allowance real salesman experienced mon commission onvat ontces availa ble 923 2476 LAWRENCE RLTR SALES personnel to carry complete lines of wfos and hairpieces In Toronto ana Ontario territories Excellent coocr tunity Immediate openings Salary or commission vour choice Reefy care of Sales Manacer ashion Tress Ind 46 Leutv Ave Toronto 13 OPPORTUNITY SECURITY $480 PER MONTH GUARANTEED NEED 4 men Must be neat clean cut No experience necessary io wort with Toronto facilities of larae Eastern SA electrical manufacturing compa ny Wt will factory train those selected bv an unbiased scientific aootitude test Must be available to start work im mediately CALL PERSONNEL MANAGER 751 1964 WED SEPT AM HNOON ONLY Are you a hard worker? Experienced in direct sales? Own a reliable car? Work on own initiative? If you can answer WE OER YOU The hiqhest commissions In the broadloom industry 75N4200 "representative MEDICAL DEtAIL WE offer an exceptional opportunity to promote to physicians our specialty products in Toronto and parts of Ontar io This is a permanent position for a capable man with ambition and a de sire to advance in the company offer a good salary opportunity tor ex tea remuneration car and expenses Write full tn the PRESIDENT WEBBER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 14 RONSON DR REXDALE SHIPPER EXPERIENCED for fa worts wear mtr tor Picking i oarting or ders 4j8 Adelatoe St cM3 0070 ASSISTANT bookkeeoer tvoiST reaymed tor saies and mifoauturno firm Wet central location Salary 570 Brrffot congenial office Please ftieohorw Mss Schwaim LE 6 2144 i ASSISTANT buyer reouired d'UQ 1 chain must have retail drub stort exoe ente 5 dav wk Call Mrs i 781 9351 "AUDIT cert for firm char ed ac some audthno experience preferred salary open depending on ouaitfiofoofuu Eise ve a LO EM 3 4780 "BANK teller reouked excenencM Un vrrsitv ano Dundas flood hours commensurate with experience Phone 369 2649 BANK clerk required Duffertn Gien carn emeence esset but no essen la 781 5613 BASTER (male or fomare) with exoeence on spec al maehme Good waces adv pcs ticn 368 334 3 BATHURST Harbord Part bme vo ef 2 om 4 30 pm LE2 8946 BINDERY help erperenced omv Bloor Dundas area call Mr AsseUteine 534 4244 BOOKKEEPER pertencd fuff set of bocxs IE 2 572X BOOkKEERE assistant for machm i booMKeectfto oemra Ex I Pi''e'r teaady rt wntown EM 827 i BOOKKEEPER tvoist exoer enced teu i able 2 ori office ace 25 to 4y Good i BOOKKEEPER excellent position Ih ac counlng aed of tepeiiery manufartur Ino office Den for certon erH? tnced In effner general Jeocer or credit collection Some tvsina neceiJAry Phone 429 ldU experienced fife automobHe typ st Kmq Yonoe u6u o71l C' CKTAIL hostesses experience no! es sentiaL neat aooearance modern dminq faunae aood itos apply between i and pm 780 Yonoe SL COLLECTOR required bv retail tmance company Must be experienced Yonpe Egunton 485 86H "COMPTOMETER opera ter Yonoe Eahnton 3 wks or appclrtmert caH anad a Office Ser ices 23 J98 06 COMPTOMETER operators for promi nent east end companies Emoy a oev day every ridav with: Cisterns Tempo jary Personnel 922 2196 COOK tor smrtl church training colleoe Lve out 924 9279 COOKj wwl Trtn for catering SmiihCaterers 20 VauonanRd COOK for European restaurant 30 hr HU 3 0264 COUNTER oirl for dv eanma blart? IH i steegy work Apply uunoas ST tJj63 l52 counter experience helpful for dry cleaners Aooiv 1110 Yonge St at MacPherson 921 7137 COUNTER girl experienced 800'" Ddvs Ctean ers 517 Parlame nt SI COUNTER cir! warted for qty cleaning plant experience preterred but willing to tram 1124 The Oueensway COUNTER gifl experienced dry clean rSr qood wages East end 534 0090 "COUNTER help tor arv cteanlnn store? bright attractive girl Apply dayman 253 Victoria St COUNTER 6 rl for dry teen ng store aood hours mch Bathur st 633 8339 "COUNTER girl experienced for cry cleaning pianl top wages 481 936L OPPORTUNITY WE supply salary to 57200 and complete training Applicants must supdiv ambi tion energy and nbllitv io function inde pendently as safes associates of maior financial institution AGE 21 40 College or equivalent busing's experience Presently employed Career em INANCE or agency experience Liberal salary 5 davwee j81 M56 GENERAL ACTORY WORK PUNCHPRESS sort weidmc assemblyin Steady work Excellent working conditions Apolv in person z7 hen StRete Ontario CAETERIA halo for cafete ria 5 day wk a 4 no wrtends Prefer residents in jane mch ih eston Rd area call after 830 am 749 0110 exL 360 CAETERIA help 5 days a wk Cres cent School Dawes Rd6U 363x CALEDON IA Lawrence Area Switch board typist for small busy beard must be responsible reserved in manner Knowledge of billing machine dutincf asset Accuracy tyomg a must Per son in age 40 class will be gven pe ence Reply giving full deteils of exper ience marital status age and salary re quired Box 631 Ster CAMERA wan art and ietrasel exber Jence forjob printer j68 80x8 CASHIER days or mchls too wages Psnch Hot' Restauran Bioor Sher Jtourne CASHIER Italian speak'rg for sure fnfkAt nvpprtenced Jane St I Pickln Chicken Br i vm klnostan Rd experienced for restaurant 20 30 vears pf age limit RO 9 6345 aoemenl excellent training orooram established accounts leads furnished Salary or commission (vour choice) plus fringe benefits Only bard workers 638 0626 TV service man outside experienced partnership open option to buy Gross ing over 53 000 per month living ters near Toronto Box 44P Star REAL GOOD OPPORTUNITY WE can train you to become success ful salesman or saesiady Position available with hlflher than average in come right fmm tne start Bert com mission Phone Rov Real Estate 717 C234 SALESMEN REQUIRED We have an ooentno for 2 salesmen la progressive real eslate office htoh corr missions experience not necessary wtl tram vou all encuines in strictest confidence or interview carl Mr Ash ley 244 5597 David Ashley Realty Ltd fort WE need fou high cahbre diract sales i representatives to sell rovrtutonary new home improvement product too commissions leads supplied car sup plied it required appointment call Mr Emmerson 247 6210 EXPERIENCEDfor home portraits must be single with car and free to travel Excellent snlarv APPLY MON TUES OR WED ALLIED PORTRAIT CO REAL ESTATE actory Help DAY OR NIGHT sh*t (YOUR CHOICE) Apply 1 37 Wendell Ave WILSON A WESTON CLEK'rs interesting work Cell Mutter EM Jmi CLERKS Enlo a payday exery rL dav a attractive bonuses Prestfo ftsd town offices ned you now Otteen Temporary Personnel 922 71 94 CLERKS fqr fu ng dept be exw encei Yonge Egitoton 485 86IL CLERK for accounts paebfo codec nns ar4 posting to trial taunct Small office in Leastoe 212I 9 4 "CLERK for bank tn mico minimum education Gaoe lb 25M50 rewired by downtown bank experience not necessary traimno pro vided for sudabie mte'ered a tareerCall Mr Osborne 9 2583 "CLERK for tevotete fovenforv dcartmenj of publishing firm 368 4521 CLERK for counter wor in dr ciean jna jtore days or eves 315 Yorce EXPERIENCE REQUIRED OR TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON APPLY 769 1 16I LOC 73 ACCOUNTANT AN expanding service organization hai an attractive opportunity for an accoun tant capable of handling a complete set cf books with experience in typing bill ms payroll oreoaration Location Don Mills Salary commensurate with exoe rten APPLICANTS should submit particulars cf eoucsjcn exper ence salary re quirements to Bcx 719 Star TO gather Information for the cltv di rtnry Ortrtl Western districts of Metropolitan Toronto A iso In Downs vtew area Apply in own handwriting stating address phone number fo Box 3727 Star OPERATOR DUERING IAWRENCE AREA EXPERIENCED MRS PARK 737 160 DICTA TYPIST DUERIN INTELLIGENT well groomed conscien tious veuno ladv required for small pool interestinn variety of work will train on dictaphone Can Mrs Wilson i 633 9440 ENERGETIC vouno ladv with General bocrtcbtn experience Dref rapte 1 with typing recuired bv No town ord Sates Ltd Willowdai Vr Hill 221 9'8L Accounts Payoble Clerk EXPERIENCED to prepare journalized reconoe accounts payable as sist in other accounting duties typing essential Phone ryer 231 1191 CARD STORE SALESLADY for greeting card sfort Clean pleasant working condu ort Yonoe Eohnton subwar or aopolnt ment call Mrs 924 8364 CLEANING woman for nurstre home 1130 pm 8 am 40 hr wk 927 3966 "CLEANING women am 92 9016 URNITURE salesman with some knowiedoa cf bookkeeping required Gnod steady for the rioht man Salary olus commission Calt Mr Lie bermar for anoelntmenf Stvllna urni ture RO 9 8j81 INEXPERIENCED? START NOWt EARN $400 oer mo ware weed bv con tract Car rnoe5X4V PRESTIGE EQUIPMENT CO RU 3 650) DISSATISIED PRINTING SALESMAN JOIN a knowledgeable aggressive com petent creative and productive team your maximum worth comrnis on tar allowance Confidential inter view Al Cnocert 633 7954 evqs 222 7327 BASIC REQUIREMENTS: EDUCATION: Grace XII TYPING speed: 50 55 wpm EXPERIENCE: 1 2 years EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OR ADVANCEMENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION ALL EMPLOYEE BENEITS or Appointment: 368 2135 CREDIT dept of sates inance Correa nr reouires tcr rco ot'sen oe £21 llcn eng rt I CUTTER Pd gnq mi hrvaxj fo wesrnn DENTAL assistant xpertere not nec essary foomo required xtate arr Box 757 Star DISHWASHER 124 pm 5119 pf hr Apply 3a Den ax Ave Kete LsrfKa area DISHWASHER dtv or ntftU Em 3 7692 WHITE RIVER Separate Schoo! Board White River Ontario REQUIRES 1 QUALIIED TEACHER or Elementary Grades Duties to commence immediately CATEGORY SALARY SCHEDULE IN EECT Minima Maxima S4WV 54200 S49C0 $4400 $5100 $4600 $5 300 Except i I Retail SEEKING SAVINGS TEl SALES CAREER OICE Clerk GO GO Board Store St College Sal Executive Office Real Estate.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.