Security Breach: NIGHTMARE - Chapter 5 - MoonDropChild (2024)

Chapter Text

Vanny was grateful that Monica hadn’t woken up just yet. Slipping her into the suit was a bit more difficult than she thought it would be. The suit wasn’t too tight. Just moving a sleeping body wasn’t as easy as previously inclined. It was worth it though. Since it fit her like a glove and suited her as well as she thought it would be. Good thing she got those measurements a couple of weeks ago for their ‘uniforms’. Sure, it was for a uniform. Just not for the kind that she was thinking it was going to be. Unlike herself, she was wearing a stitched together bear suit. A mixture of brown fabrics that were similarly patterned like her suit. Softly, Vanny muttered,”You’re going to do so well, Moni. I just know it.

We’re going to work so well together.”,she added. Finally getting the head on her in a way that wouldn’t suffocate her. A smiling bear with a tiny hat like Glamrock Freddy’s. Eyes that were like her own. Unlike her own suit, Monica wouldn’t be moving of her own free will. The suit had a small number of mechanics to keep her from trying. Along with the suit’s zipper being locked in place with a hidden lock. One that Vanny would be the only one with knowledge of. It felt foolproof in her mind, and she could barely contain her laughter as she turned on the nearby monitor. This room was hidden from most of the other Pizzaplex employees. Not even the band animatronics have seen this place. Aside from the older ones. Foxy and Bonnie. ‘Asleep’ and standing across from each other at opposite ends of the room. Eyes shut as if they were dreaming. If her suit wasn’t already smiling, she would have smirked at this.

A groan made her turn back to her captive. Followed by surprised grunts and frustrated noises of someone failing to move their own body. Which is exactly what Monica was unable to do. Not even her own neck. With a giggle, Vanny walked over to Monica’s head. Making certain that she was in her line of sight. Gently, she asked,”How are you feeling, Moni? Is the suit too tight for you?

“What the Hell have you done to me? Why can’t I move?!”,Monica demanded. Fear still somewhat dripping from her tone as she did so. It was so cute. So pathetically cute. Nearly making her giggle once again. Stiffling that urge, Vanny explained,”Oh. Just made sure that you couldn’t remove your new uniform.

You’re going to help me with my new destiny whether you want to or not.”,she informed as sweetly as possible. Leaning over, she gripped Monica’s throat. Pressing a tiny button that forced Monica to sit up then stand. Then she tapped another button just near the other woman’s eye. One that would be much too small for anyone to notice if they didn’t know where to look. The costume had prerecorded lines built in. Its voice was growly when it spoke. It answered,”Yes, Vanny. I’m willing to do whatever you wish to finish your task.”

I am here to serve.”,it added. Monica couldn’t believe the stuff the suit was saying. Her mouth couldn’t even move thanks to the wiring keeping her jaw still. It hurt a lot more than she anticipated it was going to. Making her feel pathetically weak as she struggled to stop the suit from walking with Vanny to the exit. Vanny chuckled,”I know you are. And you’re going to do so well, Scrapps.

Go get me Gregory.”,she ordered. Giving the suit a gentle nudge towards the catwalks. And despite how much Monica was fighting to stop the suit it moved towards the stairs. Nodding as it answered,”Yes, Vanny. I hear and obey.

It was perfect. She was going to find that little monster. Find him and bring him to her. Possibly gift wrapped. Vanny couldn’t wait to finally be rid of that nosy little meddler. He knew that the kids were going missing from the Pizzaplex. That it had to be a member of staff and that he might not have known it was her. But he would have figured it out sooner or later. That didn’t matter. She’ll just make him disappear like the other children. Unlike them, Gregory wouldn’t be missed by anyone important. After all, who looks for a missing and orphaned kid like him? No one. Aside from maybe another child.

Which wasn’t anything to honestly worry about.

Vanny walked in the other direction to look for her other captive. Paige was always a problem child, and she hated how protected she had been. How easily she got away with some of the issues she caused. But now her mother wouldn’t be able to protect her. And it shouldn’t be too difficult to get her away from those stupid animatronics. Especially that dumb gator. All she had to do was be careful and avoid the working security cameras. Pretty easy when you know the full layout of the Pizzaplex forward and back.

This was going to be a piece of cake.

If you asked her how terrified she was right now on a scale of one to ten she’d probably say eleven. Monica couldn’t understand what was on her right now. Or why she couldn’t stop herself from walking through the halls. Nor could she understand why she was headed to the kitchen. There hadn’t been that kid there the last time she checked. Gregory might not be there right now. So why in the world was she even going there? Giving an annoyed grunt she tried to stop herself from continuing but couldn’t. This suit did whatever that weird rabbit woman wanted, and this was somehow apart of that. For whatever reason. When she got to the kitchen, she realized why the suit was going there. It wanted a weapon.

The thing searched through the knives to find an acceptable one. One that rivaled the size of that deranged rabbit woman's. Picking it up she spotted her own suit’s look in a reflective surface. It looked like a patchwork Freddy Fazbear woman costume. Its eyes were a creepy bright blue like Glamrock Freddy’s. But the fur was a mixture of different shades of brown. Except for the tiny heart over her own heart. That was a strange bright red color.

It was truly bizarre.

So much so that she initially thought she was having a nightmare. One from having too much of Monty’s Meltdown Melon stuff. But the way her muscles burned when she tried to stop herself made her believe otherwise. This wasn’t a dream. Clearly this wasn’t some joke that a coworker was playing on her. She was really being forced to do this by some creepy rabbit lady. Who she still had no idea who she was aside from ‘Vanny’? Her name sounded vaguely like Vanessa’s but there was no way it was her. Why in the world would Vanessa force her to do something like this for? Why would she want to hurt her daughter?

After all, she liked being ‘Auntie Nessa’. So why in Hell would she want to cause her daughter harm for? There had to be more of this. Maybe it wasn’t her? If so, then she hoped that her coworker could find her soon. As she hated not being able to control her own body’s movements as it was forced down the hall. Skipping like it was the most fun thing in the world. Not that it was forcing her to find a child to be probably murdered by what made it. The suit sang,”Gregory come out and play~ I promise we won’t hurt you.

Much.”,it added. Cackling like this was the funniest joke that it had ever heard. Monica wished she could rip it off and burn it. Burn it like the piece of garbage that it was. She hated how powerless she felt as she walked down the hall. Barely taking notice of Chica as she ate garbage. Or the look of confusion on her face when she passed her. Chica set down the piece of moldy pizza as she stood up. Wiping the mess from her beak as she watched the patchwork girly version of her friend walk past her. It made her tilt her head in confusion as she walked after her. Unsure of what to make of the strange bear skipping in front of her. Calling out for the lost boy that Vanessa had asked her to look for. Before she got distracted by the junkfood she’d found on the floor not that long ago. Softly, she called,”Excuse me? You’re not supposed to be here, miss. The Pizzaplex is closed.”

“I’m going to have to ask you to please leave.”,she added. When the woman didn’t respond she hurried to get in front of her. Noticing their creepy bright blue googly eyes weren’t even focused on her properly. What in the world was this person? And how in the world did she even get in? Shouldn’t Monica or Vanessa have stopped her? With this in mind she held up her hand with her palm outward. A nonverbal ‘stop’ as she commanded,”I said that the Pizzaplex is closed. You’re going to have to come back tomorrow to enjoy our performances and our awesome pizza!”

“Please leave or I’ll be forced to use force!”,she threatened. Chica wasn’t the type to cause anyone real harm. But she didn’t like that this person wasn’t leaving. Who did they think they were? She figured this was something to address with Vanessa or Monica later. That way they could been on the lookout for her in the future. Along with anyone else that broke into the Pizzaplex. As she had this inkling this wasn’t the only person that broke in. When the person didn’t yield, she reached out to grab them and stop them. Possibly drag them over to the front doors and get them out one way or another. Right until she slashed at her with the knife. Sure, it wouldn’t have really caused her all that much damage.

But who wants to possibly get cut with a knife?

Move it along, birdy. I ain’t got time for you tonight.”,the bear snapped. Her voice was growly and unfamiliar. She also didn’t sound like a normal human either. Maybe she wasn’t human? And she was just some new animatronic that juggled knives? No, they would have informed all of them about that. Either by media messaging or through Vanessa and Monica. There was just something off about her as well. None of the other animatronics acted like she did or sounded anything like her either. Chica demanded,”Who in the world are you? And how did you even get in here?”

None of your business. Now go back to eating garbage like the bottom feeder you are.”,the bear snarked. Moving past her so fast that she didn’t even have time to react. Chica couldn’t believe that slapped together creep called her that. Turning around she ran after the stupid patchwork bear that was sprinting. There was no way in Hell she was going to let that insult fly. Especially from something as poorly put together as that stupid Freddy Fazbear rip-off! Running as fast as she could, she messaged,’Guys! There’s a weird patchwork teddy bear thing running around the lobby!’

‘I’m gonna need some help stopping it!’,she added. Trying to figure out where Monty or Roxy went to. As Vanessa told her that Freddy wouldn’t be able to help with the search. Which she was going to put on pause for now. After all there were two security guards and a lot of staff bots running around right now. They could easily find a ten-year-old boy. This weird teddy bear with a knife was sprinting around in the lobby? That needed to be handled asap. She couldn’t reach Monty. Nor could she reach Vanessa or Monica. But she could have breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Roxy was responding. Roxy informed,’I’ll be right there. Give me five minutes.’

‘Just try to stay on her tail and message me if she runs off somewhere else.’,Roxy demanded. That shouldn’t be too hard. At least Chica hoped it wasn’t going to be too difficult to keep up with the stupid patchwork teddy bear. After all she was just a human being. There was no way that she could possibly outrun an animatronic. That was what Chica had hoped for. Then she managed to turn a corner and when Chica caught up, she was gone. Like she had somehow melted into one of the nearby walls or something. With a groan, Chica informed,’sh*t. Lost her. I’ll send you an image of what she looks like.’

‘Please keep an eye out for her.’,Chica added. Sending the picture she took of the strange bear woman. What in the world was going on? First Freddy somehow shorts on stage. A kid goes missing in the Pizzaplex. Then this happens. Why was everything going haywire tonight? She couldn’t understand what in the world was going on anymore. But she was going to find out sooner or later. Even if it got her scrapped.

“Woah. Did you guys see that?”,Gregory asked. Pointing to the new person that was wandering through the hallways. She looked like a patchwork teddy bear version of Freddy. Even having a cutesy top hat on. This image was somewhat ruined by her creepy googly eyes and the large knife she was swinging around. Cackling as she called out for Gregory. Having barely managed to avoid Chica as she pursued her. Going through a door on a nearby wall that Chica probably wouldn’t have known was there. Even Freddy hadn’t realized it was there. Freddy answered,”Yes, we see her. What in the world.”

“She kinda looks like that Vanny chick.”,Monty commented. Trying to ignore what Chica sent him a few seconds ago. He didn’t need to read it to know what it was about. Looking over at Freddy, he asked,”How in the world did she just outrun Chica?”

“I thought she was the fastest one out of all of us?”,he added. Thoroughly confused at the sight before him. Freddy shrugged. Unsure of what to make of this rip-off of himself. This was a human woman. Or possibly a new animatronic? Either way they had to avoid her. Just like they were trying to do with Vanny. As he didn’t want to harm her. Nor did he actively want to engage with her. So, they were going to keep an eye on her along with that Vanny person. Whomever she was.

Paige pointed to a monitor, she exclaimed,”There she is!”

“Vanny. And she’s walking towards…”,Paige trailed off. Her eyes going wide as she realized this strange person was going towards Sundrop. Even as much as she didn’t like Sundrop, she was concerned this person would harm him. Also, that his presence would alert this creepy person to their location. Hurrying to the door, she unlocked it as quietly as possible. Not wanting that weird rabbit woman to hear her. She was coming towards their location and hadn’t yet spotted the daycare attendant. Keeping her voice low, Paige stated,”Sundrop. Come here. We need you in here right now.”

“Why? And why are you whispering?”,Sundrop demanded. Speaking in his normal tone. Which was louder than Paige or the rest of them needed right now. When she hushed him, he tilted his head once more. Confused as to why silence was needed. Or why Paige was demanding he keep his voice down at all. He shook his head as he crossed his arms and he snapped,”Just tell me why and I’ll do it.”

“That crazy lady from earlier is out there and I’m scared she’ll hurt you.”,Paige explained. Doing her best to keep her voice down. As she feared this crazy rabbit could harm them. In theory they could possibly handle her. That was if Vanny were just another animatronic. But Vanny wasn’t another animatronic. At least as far as she could tell Vanny wasn’t. The way her body looked too much like a mascot suit. And knowing her luck that would be way too human for the animatronics to be able to fight. If she remembered what Vanessa told her the animatronics were programed to not harm a human. Even if they were armed. Especially Sundrop.

Sundrop was just a caretaker after all.

For a few seconds it seemed like he wasn’t going to listen. And was probably going to protest her asking him to come in. But for once luck was on her side as he nodded his head and slipped into the room silently. Quietly relocking the door before backing away from it. Hearing Vanny call out for Gregory in her creepy sing-songy voice. One that made Sundrop put his arm out in front of Paige at the sound of. As if he were thinking of protecting her. An action that under normal circ*mstances would have made her laugh. There was no way that he would actually give a damn about her to protect her. Instead of saying this out loud she turned to see where Vanny was heading. Spotting Gregory, Freddy, and Monty just staring at her instead of the screen. At first it irritated her that they weren’t watching the screen. Then it hit her that she didn’t actually tell them what was going on and just ran to get Sundrop into the room. Her hands went over her eyes as she gave a tiny groan of annoyance at herself. Pulling her hands down her face, she informed,”I saw Vanny on the screens and she was heading to where Sundrop just was.”

“I thought I told you guys. I’m so sorry.”,she added. Feeling annoyed with herself for not saying this part out loud. Monty walked over to her and gently patted her shoulder in a reassuring manner. It wasn’t like she did it on purpose. This really was just an accidental thing. He assured,”It’s fine, Paige. Sun’s safe and that’s really all that matters.”

“And I think a certain someone owes you a thank you. Along with possibly an apology?”,Monty added. Giving the caretaker animatronic the stink eye as he said it. If he could frown, he probably would have been. Sundrop toyed with his ribbons as Paige turned to look at him. There was a look of discomfort as she did so. One that would have broken his heart if he had one. She really didn’t trust him, did she? Then again, he had given her a dressing down not that long ago. So why would she want to trust him? Quietly, Sundrop stated,”Thank you for allowing me in here after how I acted towards you, Paige.”

“I haven’t really been that kind to you, and I apologize for not hearing you out.”,he continued. Gently taking her hands in his, he added,”I should have given you the proper chance to explain what was going on.”

“I’m really sorry, Paige.”,he stated. It didn’t feel enough in his mind. After all. He had punished her enough throughout the times she had been a brat. If he were being honest, she hadn’t been one in a good long time. Around a month or so. Maybe she wasn’t even really being as bratty as he thought she was. That quite possibly the other kids who defended her had been telling the truth. Especially that girl that loved Roxy a lot, Cassie. Or that other kid Wendell, Delly, that she hung out with a lot in the Superstar Daycare. Who may have been one of her only friends. Aside from Moondrop or Monty quite possibly. Paige seemed to be mulling this over as she stared down at his hands. Just looking at them for the most awkward seconds of his life. Then she muttered,”I don’t forgive you.”

“…but I said I was sorry?”,Sundrop offered. A bit taken aback that she wasn’t readily accepting his apology. She had been in the past. Why was this time really any different? The ten-year-old girl sighed as she shook her head. Looking up at him, Paige answered,”You really hurt me this time, Sundrop. And I wanted you to understand how scared I was. How unhappy I’ve always been in the Superstar Daycare.”

“I won’t force you to leave or anything, but this isn’t something that a simple ‘sorry’ can fix.”,Paige added. Some part of him knew that. Some small part in his programming knew about this. But he still felt slightly hurt about it. Paige explained,”At least not right now. Maybe later I’ll accept your apology.”

“But right now let’s just focus on stopping Vanny.”,she added. Gently taking her hands out of his loose grip. Letting his hands drop to his sides. Grateful that he couldn’t emote as he was sure that he would frown. Or cry. It possibly could be heard in his voice, and he elected to nod his head in agreement. He walked to a spot in the room that was a bit far from Paige. Deciding to give her some space and sit down. Crossing his legs as he toyed with his ribbons. Barely noticing that Freddy was watching him. Gregory was checking through the monitors. He asked,”Why not let one of the animatronics deal with her then? I mean we could have let Sundrop physically stop her and bring her to your mom?”

“Chica and Roxy are the only ones that can physically restrain a human.”,Monty explained. This made Paige a bit confused. She thought that Vanny said that none of them could physically restrain any of them. Something about some sort of incident that happened a few years ago. She questioned,”What do you mean? Vanessa told me that none of you guys can physically restrain a guest?”

“Oh no, we can’t. Thanks to a parent getting upset with Freddy for holding him back from hitting one of the humans that work here.”,Monty answered. Pointing his thumb towards Freddy. Who didn’t turn to look back at them. Instead, he just gave a nod as he walked over to Sundrop. Sitting down next to him as he patted his back gently. Almost as if he were comforting him for some odd reason. Ignoring this, he asked,”So where is she headed now?”

“…I just lost her.”,Gregory admitted. Turning to them with an annoyed look on his face. Like he was irritated with himself for losing her. That was fair. The creepy woman wanted to kill him and Paige. While neither of them was allowed to physically restrain her from trying to cause either of them harm. Sure, they could block her path but who knows how long they could do that for? Or if they would be able to keep it up forever? Ignoring this, Monty stated,”It’s ok. We just gotta get Roxy and Chica involved.”

“The sooner they’re involved they’ll be able to stop her.”,he assured. Letting go of Paige’s shoulder as he headed up to Gregory. Gently toying with his hair as he checked the screens. Looking for Roxy and Chica. His eyes widened as he found himself staring at two more children. A young girl with purple make-up on. Bright red button-down shirt with a white shirt underneath. Denim shorts and black tights. As well as a pair of grey boots. Her hair was up in two pigtails. The other child was a young boy with bright red hair. He wore a pair of dark green overalls and a black t-shirt. As well as a pair of black boots. Hand pushing up thick glasses up his nose. Taking his hand out of Gregory’s hair, he pointed to the screen. Monty stated,”Uh, we got another problem coming in.”

“I don’t suppose you guys know who these kids are?”,he asked. Everyone surrounded the monitors at this. Gregory turned himself around and furrowed his brows. Cassie and Wendell? Why in the world were they there for? Sundrop answered,”That’s Cassie and Delly! They’re not supposed to be here!”

“Why hasn’t Monica or Vanessa escorted them out yet?”,he asked everyone. None of them were entirely sure. Paige felt her heart drop as she watched Delly and Cassie wander around. Her best friends in the entire world were going to be in danger. And she hadn’t had any way of telling him just yet. This security room wasn’t equipped with an intercom. Hands clasping at her t-shirt as she watched them walk through the hallways. Eyes going wide as she muttered,”Who cares about why? We need to get down to them and save them!”

Otherwise, they’re going to die!”,she exclaimed while turning to the door. Running as fast as she could to get to them. It wasn’t right. Delly and Cassie were watching into danger without even knowing it. They were going to die if she didn’t do anything. And she wasn’t going to stand by and watch it happen. As she ran, she heard footsteps behind her. Scooping her up in their arms as they continued to run. Slipping her onto his back, Monty answered,”Oh no they ain’t. We’re gonna get to’em first!”

Right behind him was Freddy and Sundrop. She didn’t see Gregory running with either of them but figured he was in Freddy’s stomach hatch. Which was probably the safest place for him now. Grasping Monty tighter, she prayed they would get there first. Otherwise, she wouldn’t know what she would do.

You sure this is where Gregory said to meet him?”,Delly asked. For around the millionth time since they arrived. It took them forever to sneak into the place that Gregory mentioned in the message. And Cassie was very sure this was the place. She had read it about a million times before heading into the Pizzaplex. Turning to him, Cassie answered,”Yes. Now zip it. We don’t want to attract any attention and get in trouble.

I just want to be sure, Cassie. Last time Gregory suggested we hang out you got us lost.”,he reminded. Something that made her roll her eyes as they kept walking through the lobby. Sticking to the shadows the best that they could. It wasn’t hard to avoid the staff bots. They were preoccupied with something else. She figured they were probably looking for that weird rabbit lady that Gregory mentioned in his message. Glancing over at him, she answered,”Not my fault he can’t give good directions.

But I’m very sure that he meant here as he mentioned it in the message.”,she explained. Grasping his hand gently, she tugged him in a direction that Gregory mentioned. Not entirely confident they were going in the right direction. But had hopes they would find him sooner or later. And really hoping that Freddy would be on their side. Cassie continued,”So there’s no way that I can get us lost this time. Now please be quiet.

With that they started wandering down the hall. Praying that they would be finding their friend soon. As neither were fond of the Pizzaplex after hours. And Cassie didn’t want to tell Delly, but she was getting a bad feeling. As if she turned her head to the side that they would see someone watching them. She hoped it was just in her head. Otherwise, she was walking not just herself into danger but Delly too.

Security Breach: NIGHTMARE - Chapter 5 - MoonDropChild (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.